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Cookies usa

 Cookies usa 

  • 450 gr de Farine
  • 1 cuillère à café de vanille liquide (optionnel)
  • 250 gr de pépite de chocolats (vous pouvez couper une tablette de chocolat noir en petit dés)
  • 200 gr de noix de pécan (optionnel)
  • 2 œufs
  • 1 cuillère à café de bicarbonate (on le trouve en supermarché ou en pharmacie. Il joue le rôle de levure)
  • 200 gr de sucre brun
  • 150 gr de sucre blanc
  • 1 cuillère à soupe d'eau
  • 1 cuillère à café de sel
  • 250 gr de beurre

 Preparation of the cookie dough:

If you have a blender with a special metallic mixer for heavy dough, mix all ingredients together and simultaneously with the exception of chocolate and nuts. We must add that at the end, when the dough is well blended.
If you do not have a mixer, first mix in a large bowl with a big wooden spoon sugar and eggs to get a slightly sparkling device. Add them water, salt and butter. To facilitate your work, you can melt butter that will bring fluidity to your preparation. In this case, alternate adding it with the flour and baking. Finally add your filling, in this case the chocolate chips and nuts and smarties.

Cuisson cookies:

Preheat oven to 180 °. On a plate of buttered or oiled baking (depending on your preference) drop small balls of pasta collected using a teaspoon and formed by hand.

 As the dough is spread out a little cooking to form of 5 to 6 cm disc, remember to leave room between each ball.
Bake at halfway and watch until the cookies turn golden.

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